Now that everything mainly in place (and, honestly, I still have much more life going around than I need to calmly follow the project), it is time to gather various low-hanging fruits: just go through the whole thing several times, improving stuff that’s more or less mechanical, or what would caught my eye. Again, this year the entire amount of changelog is not that big, usually just one “polishing” go after the initial filling can take many hours.

It is also an opportunity to start looking into old changelogs and link them to “Follow-ups” that 3.3 brought to their changes. I am somewhat proud of this idea, which allows to see the language as a living entity, that evolves and adjusts and fixes its mistakes and shortcomings. Even if not a lot of people look through “old” changelogs, trying to fill the “follow-ups” still helps me to provide consistent explanations throughout the history, and understand it better.

Didn’t achieve much today, though: just a bit more explanations for WeakKeyMap (including the realistic example of the usage), some fixes here and there.

A commit, anyway: 70949f4