So, not much time left to finalize everything. And I mostly dedicate myself to fill the missing final parts: like adding a link to the new version to the main page and site’s History, writing this year’s intro (keeping to nag people about this small nasty genocidal war waged by Russia that still somehow bothers me for some reason!), improving consistency of the similar headers in different years, and so on.

While doing so, I from time to time still check whether file have received significant updates, and what I see?..

Well… The problem here is that Set is a library with a somewhat uniquely weird state: it is both a “default gem” (one that is developed in a separate repo, but distributed with Ruby), but also, since Ruby 3.2, it is a “builtin” collection, or, rather, pretends to be one. Unlike Array or Hash, it is not some constant defined by the core language, and rather loaded with autoload mechanism:

p Object.const_source_location('Set')
#=> ["<internal:prelude>", 24] -- that's where the autoload statement is defined
Set # mention the constant, invoking the autloading
p Object.const_source_location('Set')
#=> ["/home/zverok/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/set.rb", 222] -- the real location

In the context of the changelog, though, it means that Set looks like a core collection, but doesn’t “deserve” mention in, because gems have separate maintainers and changelogs (though, it is interesting to notice that it doesn’t mention the 1.1.0 version which Ruby 3.3.0 apparently would use?..).

Anyway, the bottom line is while I don’t maintain, I wouldn’t dare to mention Sets API improvements there, but I can and do include it into my annotated changelog. 🤷

With this new entry added, and the housekeeping stuff been taken care of, I reluctantly switch back to unfinished business with better docs/descriptions for Fiber.kill and Process.warmup.

Whereupon I am stuck with something that looks like a bug (or my misunderstanding of the intended usage). Anyway, it is close to midnight, and I decide to wrap it up.

Commit 0a694a9