Context: A statement by the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Ukraine’s attacks on Russian oil refineries could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation.”

It looks like your usual nauseating realpolitik cynicism, but I think it is much worse and much deeper. At this point in time, I believe that the West preaches Russia religion, and its relationship with Russia is close to that of ancient people’s attitude towards wrathful gods.

In their deepest subconscious, “Russia-as-God” might definitely be cruel and unjust (by “mere human” measure), but its actions are above any judgment, its motives are beyond comprehension, and its powers are beyond any imagination.

At the same time, Ukraine is obviously judged by “mere mortals” measure—and, as a constant subtext, also as “whether they would bring God’s wrath on us all” measure.

Russia bombs high-rises with civilians or strives to fully destroy the electrical grid of a huge city? That’s just a proverbial “act of God,” we can help survivors somewhat, but not prevent or condemn.

Ukraine strikes fuel factory? Irresponsible, what about the global economy!

Russian shoot PoW on video, kidnap and rape civilians, doesn’t even allow ICRC to visit PoWs? Such are the unfathomable ways of God.

Ukraine has one photo of (really idiotic and despicable joke) a dark-skinned PoW with a banana?.. Oh the inhuman cruelty.

There are whole fields sowed with remains of Russian armor? Mere dent in God’s unimaginable glory!

Ukraine lost three Bradlies?.. Here, what more proof do you need that you are doomed before God’s wrath!

Russia tells blatant lies to your face? That’s God’s fable to teach us.

Ukraine doesn’t trust you enough to immediately share all the information? Oh those treacherous liars!

And so on and so forth; I can continue till tomorrow. They might feel oh so brave sometimes (like some ancient people, I imagine, were) to scream at their God—but it feels they still know deeply inside they’ve sinned and the God’s cup might just run over on them.

You know what. This “God” is still just clay idol you the West build and empower yourself. Fuck you, and fuck your idol, it will fall.

Later additions:

That’s what I am talking about when I say the West is religious about opposing Russia, treating it as a god:

US President Joe Biden has praised American forces who he said “helped Israel take down nearly all” drones and missiles launched by Iran. I’m glad Israel managed to protect itself, but imagine how Ukrainians feel reading this? We can help Ukraine but don’t. It’s immoral.

And more religious thinking from the US: “Moscow’s counterattack has hurt Ukraine more than the refinery attacks hurt Russia.” Implying again that the “vengeful god of Russia” has infinite strength they just spared before we angered them.